Official Sites: Website | Instagram
Sponsored by Blind Pig Entertainment, LLC / Jon and Ashley Oberheide

Presented by Blind Pig Entertainment, LLC, Jon and Ashley Oberheide
Although originally from Queens, Chris spent most of his life bouncing around the world. His signature character, the dokkaebi, is inspired by Korean folklore. They are goblin-like creatures, known for playing pranks on humans. Chris’s work embodies that playful yet delinquent spirit in his modern interpretation of the dokkaebi.
Chris showcased his work at the 2019 Five Points Festival. He has also appeared in beer label competitions for Pabst Blue Ribbon, as tattoos on various Instagram followers, and in stickers that dot the streets of cities across the world. In 2020, Chris worked with Strangecat Toys to bring fans the first ever Dokebi vinyl toy.