An Exhibition of Works by Tattooers and the Tattooed
April 5 – May 4, 2019
Opening Party: April 5, 6:00 – 9:00PM
DJ’d by Jeremy Wheeler
Curated by Jen Munford
Tattooing carries a kind of magic. It is fascinating to outsiders and fiercely protected by practitioners. Wearing marks upon our bodies- and marking the bodies of others- brings a unique awareness of the human form. Tattoo collectors are forced to confront and tolerate their own discomfort. Tattooers give shape to abstract ideas brought by clients and hold space for them during painful experiences
The artists selected for EMBODIED are either tattooers themselves or have worked in tattoo shops at some point in their lives. Regardless of their exact relationship to tattooing, they have a sense of the emotional, physical, sometimes spiritual qualities present in the act. This is not necessarily an art show about tattoos, but about our relationships to tattoos, tattooing, our bodies, and the bodies of others. It is an invitation to glimpse into the minds of a few members of this colorful subculture
Zera Anderson | Stephanie Brown | Alexis Colombo | Dawn Cooke | Dianne Mansfield | Jen Munford | Janet Nelson | Bryn Perrott | Kasey Shrewsbury| Jenna Stanton | Victoria Weeber