Realty: New Works by Brian Spolans
Exhibition On-View: January 6, 2025 – January 31, 2025
in the A2AC Spotlight Gallery
Opening Reception: Friday, January 17, 6-8pm
Curatorial Statement
Realty showcases new work by Brian Spolans that focuses on joyful, literal deconstructions of the home. These prints and sculptures feature depictions of homes overwhelmed, covered or extruding a substance that at times resembles an ooze similar to the Blob from old horror films, and at other times ice cream. This devastation of the home has a saccharine quality, offering the sweet pleasure of comfortable destructive subversion. The destructive deconstruction in Realty explores the complex relationship with our homes since leaving the pandemic while entering an affordable housing crisis. Navigating these events has modified what a home represents, and how we personally interact with the home as a symbol.

Brian Spolans
Brian Spolans is an artist and instructor based in Southeast Michigan. His work has been exhibited at 500X Gallery in Dallas, Paradigm Gallery in Philadelphia, Muskegon Museum of Art, International Print Center of New York, and Published in New American Paintings, Fresh Paint and Create Magazine. He has also co-curated exhibitions at Gallery Project in Ann Arbor, and at Eastern Michigan University where he teaches printmaking.
The pandemic’s push to shelter in place cemented the home as a place of safety, solitude, seclusion, and necessity. Through play and personal antagonism, Brian Spolans deconstructs the home by exploring the complex and often contradictory meanings homes embody now.
Opening Reception
Friday, January 17 6–8 pm
Ann Arbor Art Center
117 W. Liberty St., Ann Arbor
Join us for the opening reception of Brian Spolans’ show in the Spotlight Gallery on the 2nd floor of the A2AC.