How do I join a waitlist for a given class?
If a class is full, it will say “Waitlist Only”.
Click “Add to cart” and complete the check out process to join the waitlist. Payment is not due when you join the waitlist.
Our waitlist is now automated.
You will automatically receive an e-mail if a seat opens in this class. You will then have 24 hours to accept the seat, before our automated waitlist offers it to the next participant on the waitlist and the opportunity closes. Payment will be due upon accepting the seat.
In the instance of a last minute cancellation, the A2AC reserves the right to contact everyone on the waitlist via e-mail. In this case, the e-mail would instruct how to register for the open seat and it would go to the first person who registers.
What does it mean if I have not been contacted by the A2AC?
If you do not receive an e-mail from us, it is because a space has not yet opened.
Spaces may open at any time, even on the first day of class.
Please do not attend the first day of class unless you received an e-mail offering you an open seat AND you then completed the registration process.
Should I call the A2AC to check on my waitlist list status?
Please do not contact the A2AC in regards to your waitlist status.
If you have not received an e-mail from us, it is because a space has not yet opened.
Due to the large volume of inquiries we receive, we request that students wait to be contacted by e-mail.