Our new Get to Know Your A2AC Instructors! Series dives into who the amazing A2AC instructors are, what they do outside of the A2AC, their favorite teaching moments, fun facts, and more.
The next instructor in this series is Tricia Hampo!
Click on the Questions to see Tricia’s answers!
“I always tell my students, ‘Comparison is the thief of joy!’ No matter where you are on your art journey, there is always much to learn…”
Tell us about yourself.
I am an artist, a wife, a mother, and a new grandmother (just to name a few and not in any particular order). I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design from the University of Michigan and my Teaching Certificate from Eastern Michigan University in Art Education.
I grew up in Michigan and have always lived within 45 minutes of Ann Arbor, where I now make my home. I taught art in a public school for a few years until I decided to stay home and raise my family. I worked part-time at our Church while simultaneously fueling my creativity by making lampworked glass beads and jewelry and selling to jewelry designers for about 12 years. Then I decided I missed other forms of creating and began by picking up a paintbrush again.
Since then, I have explored many mediums; mixed media, linocut printmaking, acrylics, watercolor, ceramics, encaustics, cold wax, and most recently, my favorite mediums; pastel and oil (with cold wax). I have taken classes from well-known and respected artists around the country and continue practicing my art daily, always learning and growing. I also greatly love sharing my knowledge and experiences with others. When I am not creating, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, reading about art and my faith, traveling, hiking, biking, kayaking, and exploring and sampling craft beer and wine with my best friend of 32 years- my husband!
What does your creative practice look like?
I love to try different mediums, techniques, styles, and genres, as I never know where the process or experience will take me on my art journey. However, I currently find myself most drawn to painting portraits and figures. There’s just so much expressiveness in them. A personality to be discovered, a feeling or emotion to relate to, a story to be told.
I love the quote, “Every ARTwork is a voyage of discovery.” I believe that is true both for the creator and the viewer. When creating, I constantly react to each line, brushstroke, or material used. This process is so exciting; I am never exactly sure what will come next. The creative process takes me into a deeper relationship with the subject I am painting, whether it is a landscape, non-objective, or portrait/figure. I am fortunate to have my own home studio with many windows. It is my happy place.
What is next for your artistic career?
I have recently begun joining some local and regional art guilds and entering juried shows. With low expectations and some trepidation, I entered my first show and surprisingly took home the first-place award! Since I have won a few other awards and sold my first piece in a gallery. I hope to dedicate as much time as possible to creating and growing my art to continue showing/sharing and selling my work.
What are your favorite teaching moments?
I have been teaching at the Ann Arbor Art Center for 2 years. I came to A2AC because it was local, and wanted to get involved and meet other creatives like myself. I love to teach oil painting.
One of the things that I enjoy the most about teaching is seeing the artwork the students create. I learn as much from them as they learn from me. It is fascinating how even though I may teach a particular process, they all approach it somewhat differently, and from the beginning, I can see their individual style emerge. I think many artists are always searching for their ” style”, myself included. While personal styles may evolve and change as we grow as artists, I believe we already have our own “style” from the moment we put brush to canvas.
I LOVE art! I LOVE creating art. I love viewing, interpreting and experiencing, and learning about art. I LOVE teaching art! I LOVE the feeling of accomplishment, confidence, and the release and joy it brings when exploring this creative expression. I LOVE how art teaches you to see the world differently. It opens your eyes and reaches into the depths of your soul. It can transform you and lead to great personal growth. I’m so glad that the A2AC shares that passion and allows me to share it with others in the community.
What would you say to someone interested in art but nervous about taking a class?
Those nervous about taking an art course are usually nervous because they don’t think they are good enough! Nonsense! Creating art is not a talent as much as it is a practice. I always tell my students, “Comparison is the thief of joy!” No matter where you are on your art journey (absolute beginner or seasoned artist), there is always much to learn from each instructor and fellow student. Come with an open mind and childlike spirit, and if you want to make the most out of the class, find some time at home to practice what you’ve learned. You’ll be so glad you did!
Artist Images

For more information on Tricia Hampo and her work, visit her Website, Instagram, and Facebook. Also, visit Our Instructors Page to learn more about your favorite instructors!
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